Poetry Drawer: A Woman’s Tears: Tales of a River by Avantika Vijay Singh

A Woman’s Tears

A woman’s love is an extraordinary treasure!
She will give you love,
She will give you loyalty,
She will give you, her dreams.
She will give you, her future!
She will give you eternity!

But many a man never knows
the value of that treasure.
He will possess her,
He will desire her,
He will rest his heaving passions in her.
Like a plundering warlord he will only take again and again,
And lay the remains to waste.

He will grow large from that tree of love,
Not watering the tree with any affection.
He will grow vines of neglect
Subsuming her identity with weeds,
That sap her of her strength and love!
He kills the woman of her spirit,
And dines off her carcass like a bird of prey.

And the woman’s heart is crushed,
Like a river run dry
No longer fed by the rain of affection.
Violated day after day like the earth,
Into whose wombs wells are bored relentlessly,
Deeper and deeper,
In search of the elixir!

The saddest sound in the Universe,
Is the sound of a woman’s heart break!
In the silence of the night
She quivers and thrashes unseen!
Gnashes her teeth at the impotence of her fate!
Weeps soundlessly for herself,
Longing to escape the coils of a loveless union,
That trap her soul.

Tales of a River

She is a river of gold,
Flowing swiftly in the golden dawn.
The sun rippling beauteous in her joyous being
She whooshes exuberantly over the rapids,
As one by one she clears them,
In her flow.

Worshipped by man
Desired by man
Who always sought to control her
To contain her
Fight over her
For exclusive rights!

She is the river of discontent
In whom waste has been dumped,
by toxic relationships.
She cries for release.
The waves of agony crash
Against the high rocks of indifference!

She is the turquoise river,
Below the cerulean skies,
The woods behind her,
The shores distant.
With a sky full of stars,
She flows!

She is a ribbon of silver
Sparkling in the moonwake,
With the wisdom of the ages
Running in her veins!
Nurturing life,
Healing the wounds!

She is a river emptying soundlessly into the sea
Between existence and non-existence!
In her existence, exists her identity
In her non-existence, she loses not
Just different ways in which she emerges,
Her essence ever fragrant in her tributaries!

Avantika Vijay Singh is a writer, blogger, editor, script writer, poet, researcher, and amateur photographer. Poetry is her song from the heart to express her thoughts and emotions. Dancing Motes of Starlight, self-published during the pandemicin 2020, is her debut ebook on poetry.

She enjoys a good laugh, especially over herself, and her blog “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives”. She loves taking long walks in nature, which germinate the idea of many of her poems.  

She is a lifelong learner and holds an M.Sc. (Zoology), an M.S. (Biomedicine) from BITS, Pilani, post-graduate Certificates in Sustainability from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden and Digital Marketing from MICA.

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