Poetry Drawer: Making: “& see all these things”: The Pound Cantos: CENTO XXII: geographies: Mojave Desert by Mark Young

Making The van brakes, but at a lessfrantic pace. That’s what lifeis like in lockdown. Differentuses though the same materialsprovided. Now we make single-serve liturgies of cryogenic icecream; filled loosely, uncompacted. She calmed down after he’d fini-shed talking. The photographer’sshadow … Continue reading

Poetry Drawer: A line from Catherine Deneuve: The Pound Cantos CENTO V: J7 on the selection list: The doors by Mark Young

A line from Catherine Deneuve I live way out. It gets realquiet. Little random adjust-ments have been made tokeep me there, & filmed in one continuous shot. Peoplein these small municipalitiesoften pass the time in strangemixes of activities — juggling … Continue reading

Poetry Drawer: delta cockroaches: axing proves: A line from Lionel Ritchie: Le Grand Siècle by Mark Young

delta cockroaches Plumbing lines should reallybe treated with or treated tovideo clips of Michael Jacksonfrom the days of the Jackson5. Except. The browser does not currently recognize any ofthe video formats on offer sinceYouTube has **completely re-moved**its Flash player code … Continue reading

Poetry Drawer: Birthright Profane: Opal Ball-Dress: Mustang Chalice: Sonnet CCIII: Descending Love by Terry Brinkman

Birthright Profane Drawn up the limit of tenSwelling caves in silk hose she often leaves thenInsulting to any lady double-envelops whiteChastise her horse-wimping vainUnbuttoned her gauntlet with laughterShe flogs no such thing insaneLittle poor girl by the rock rafterGhost woman’s … Continue reading