Poetry Drawer: Path of Peace by Ray Miller

It wasn’t that her parents wouldn’t attendbecause the wedding clashed with Remembrance Dayand poppies exerted a powerful hold;nor that my Best Man was newly diagnosedas a schizophrenic cum manic depressive –though we were both in two minds about that.Neither that my sister’s husband turned upin a T-shirt bearing the legend                    BULLSHIToverdid the bevvies and insulted my mother,obliging me to step in and sufferthe traditional wedding day glasssmashed over my forehead,a visit to Casualty and several stitches.And in retrospect I can see it was funnyto be trapped in a lift for 2 or more hourswith a freshly bought packet of fags and no matches.But the worst of all was when Path of Peace,a horse I’d followed with more faiththan reason, triumphed at 25-1in the last big race of the season.What with one thing and anotherI never got to put the bet on.40 years later and I’m still chasing losses. Ray Miller is a Socialist, Aston Villa supporter, and faithful husband. Life’s been a disappointment. You can find more of Ray’s work here on Ink Pantry.

Poetry Drawer: Roll the Film, Gotham: Regarding my Creation: The Fruit of Middle Age: Romance: The Saga of my Office: At the Border by John Grey

Roll the Film, Gotham The source of nightfinally enters the city.Unwedded to sense,it conjures up a storm.An effort to become wholethrough union with anotheris thwarted by a stab of lightning,a roll of thunder.An imaginary picture in the mindis set aflame.So … Continue reading

Poetry Drawer: The Cost of Living in Daydreams: The Cost of Living in Your Heart: A Renegade: Heroes in the Seaweed by Dr Susie Gharib

The Cost of Living in Daydreams My adaptations of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Villette, and The Waveshave been adopted by three Hollywood directors for the big screen,with Hans Zimmer as the main candidate to write the music themes.My first collection of … Continue reading