Poetry Drawer: 100 Titles From Tom Beckett/56/Translate Objects: Nothing to merit treatment: TyouBE by Mark Young/Image by Thomas Fink
100 Titles From Tom Beckett56: Translate ObjectsWe started by creating a scene.Then came the arguments. The first argument set whatimport format to expect, set the attributes. The second argu-ment set the format to output. A translated object doesn’tchange — it just goes some-where else. At least that’s thetranslation of Euclid’s defin-ition of translate. That if everypoint of a shape or figure ismoved by the same distancein a predetermined direction,even though it may end upin another place, it’s still the same object. Animists believe that all objectsshare the breath of life. Trans-lated, that means everything’sgot a soul. Or a brand new bag. Hi. I just found a way to moveobjects around. Was wonderingif this is the best way … Continue reading