The cursor flashed on and off, a small vertical line counting down the seconds. Derek watched it blinking. Tick, tick, tick. Soon it would be time for dinner, time to help the kids with their homework, time to collapse on … Continue reading →
It’s hard work being a king. At least, that’s what kings would have you believe. All those heavy crowns and the repetitive strain injury from all that royal waving. I imagine at least one king must have met his end … Continue reading →
Birds sang in the bare branches of the trees. The air had a fresh, new smell to it, the very earth exhaling as the days grew longer. Mary pulled her winter jacket a little tighter around her shoulders. The sun … Continue reading →
“They’re coming! They’re coming!” The tunnel turned to chaos as the warning spread along it. Soldiers ran back and forth, on alert for the enemy but unable to see them. The workers milled about in confusion, trampling each other in … Continue reading →
The bus pulled to a stop. She trudged off, shopping bag in one hand, pulling her scarlet hoodie closer to her against the cold. A faint smell of stale vomit and cheap cigarettes greeted her. She wrinkled her nose in … Continue reading →
“Why, look at you! I could just eat you up!” The young boy beamed, revealing a set of crooked teeth. “What’s your name, cutie?” “Timmy.” “Hello, Timmy. I’m Carol.” She sighed. Timmy was the cute, little boy she’d always dreamed … Continue reading →
“Lemons. Lemons everywhere. Yellow, curved, with those odd little nubs on either end. Nothing but lemons, an endless sea of them stretching from here to eternity. To be honest, I’m starting to get a bit sick of them. Now and … Continue reading →
Nobody knew how it started. Nobody was entirely sure when it started, either, but it wasn’t long until everyone knew. And by then, of course, it was too late. People don’t think about the little numbers. They dream about big … Continue reading →
Bee Creative @BeeCreativePS: Can I ask (knowing editors cuts!) was there a piece of advice in the course books you wished you had given? In the best of possible worlds we would have separate modules for each of the … Continue reading →
Results are in! The winner of our Dr Zhivago competition 2020 is Mark Sheeky, with his poem, Zhivago. Our highly commended poem is Untitled by Rachel Cohen. Many congratulations to our two winners, and all the other wonderful entries we … Continue reading →