Poetry Drawer: As We Step Into Our Own Role by Deane Thomas

As we step in to our own role
We surrender to our true soul
Path and calling for all to see
Living as one in harmony!

Fearless beings of love and light
Who truly have been in a fight
A clash of ego and the deepest pain
Now to rise like a phoenix again

It is the test of an enduring root
We seek no glory or toot toot
We jest in banter as much as we cry
Most of our life, it’s been a lie

We told ourselves that all was real
Then we discovered it was not the deal
Or agreement we made many moons ago
It was time we created an eternal flow

Across time and space we drifted most
Many a time we felt like a lost ghost
To find the inner power and desire
Cutting the cords and etheric wire

Which bound us to a chain so strong
Now we see what truth was all along
Through experiences we had need to make
And connections with others we got to break

It’s clear as the sun will shine each day
Our inner calling guiding us all the way
From here and now, and forever more
We venture both sides of a swinging door

To be as One in balance with all that is
We will live a life of love and bliss
In pastures green and skies so blue,
We are here, wondering where are you

Each of us who knows the truth
It’s not the time to be aloof
Change the thoughts and open your mind
You will see us there, look, come and find

Let’s make it fun just like a game
Trust us, it’s a new life for you to gain
To be as free like a pure white dove
That’s the essence of unconditional love

Deane Thomas is a former corporate executive who had the pleasure of living in many different countries and cultures. He currently lives in Croatia with his two teenage daughters. In August 2014 a set of life changing circumstances led to his own awakening and to finally lifting the veils of illusion.

Deane stepped away from corporate responsibility, relocated to another country, and began his own spiritual journey, and life as a solo father. He is continually healing and growing spiritually, and now dedicates his time to helping, healing and teaching others.

His inquisitiveness into historical events and places, as well as witnessing them in the present time, has led him to truly appreciate all that life has to offer. A deep fascination with indigenous cultures and their way of life, how they function and more importantly, live without religions.

Always challenging and questioning societies forced indoctrination and expectations of man, he has become a philosopher and writer, something he has been in previous incarnations.

Check out Deane’s new book, Expressions of Love and Light

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